The South East Midlands Local Enterprise Partnership has now
formally closed as a registered limited company.

To stay updated on the latest economic developments throughout the region, we encourage you to visit the South East Midlands Growth Hub. The SEM Growth Hub also provides free business advice and guidance to all businesses, manages funding and grant programmes and has an extensive resource library where businesses can find additional support.

Visit the South East Midlands Growth Hub here

You can still continue to browse the SEMLEP website, and contact
all employees using their existing email addresses.

School students having a discussion with their teacher School students having a discussion with their teacher

Assurance Framework

School students having a discussion with their teacher
A Starship Robot driving down a street A Starship Robot driving down a street

Assurance Framework

A Starship Robot driving down a street
Northampton College Advanced Engineering Centre Northampton College Advanced Engineering Centre

Assurance Framework

Northampton College Advanced Engineering Centre
People talking in a building under construction People talking in a building under construction

Assurance Framework

People talking in a building under construction
Northampton Waterside Campus Northampton Waterside Campus

Assurance Framework

Northampton Waterside Campus
East Northamptonshire Enterprise Centre East Northamptonshire Enterprise Centre

Assurance Framework

East Northamptonshire Enterprise Centre

Assurance Framework

SEMLEP is a private public partnership, tasked with delivering economic growth in line with the South East Midlands Strategic Economic Plan.  Our Board steers SEMLEP’s strategy and delivery.  Governance, strategy and delivery roles undertaken by SEMLEP is set out in our 2023/24 Assurance Framework.  This framework explains how decisions are made and how we manage public money in line with Government requirements.  In particular it sets out how we manage the Local Growth Fund and other public monies to support growth projects. SEMLEP makes decisions on these funds within stated criteria and the rules of public accounts, with the support of our accountable body.

Our accountable body is Luton Borough Council. Luton BC holds the public funds in their bank account on behalf of SEMLEP, and manages the defrayal of these funds. Luton BC also ensures that we are compliant with our Assurance Framework. 

SEMLEP is a company limited by guarantee. Our Articles of Association below detail our legal roles and responsibilities.

SEMLEP's 2023/24 Assurance FrameworkSEMLEP Assurance Framework StatementNational Local Growth Assurance FrameworkAccountable Body AgreementArticles of AssociationAccountable Body Assurance Statement

Quality Assurance

Each year the Government appraises Local Enterprise Partnerships against the Assurance Framework and national performance criteria, focusing particularly on three core areas: governance, delivery and strategy. Following the annual performance review in January 2019, Government awarded SEMLEP ‘exceptional’ status across all three areas.

SEMLEP publishes our performance review self-assessment questionnaire which includes Assurance Framework Statements from our Chair and Chief Executive and from Luton Borough Council’s s151 officer as our accountable body. These publicly state our compliance with our Assurance Framework and with Government expectations in these three areas. You can download the statements above. 

If you have any queries about the assurance framework please contact  SEMLEP's Chief Executive, Hilary Chipping on

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