The South East Midlands Local Enterprise Partnership has now
formally closed as a registered limited company.

To stay updated on the latest economic developments throughout the region, we encourage you to visit the South East Midlands Growth Hub. The SEM Growth Hub also provides free business advice and guidance to all businesses, manages funding and grant programmes and has an extensive resource library where businesses can find additional support.

Visit the South East Midlands Growth Hub here

You can still continue to browse the SEMLEP website, and contact
all employees using their existing email addresses.

A Starship Robot driving down a street A Starship Robot driving down a street

Economic Strategies and Plans

A Starship Robot driving down a street
People talking in a building under construction People talking in a building under construction

Economic Strategies and Plans

People talking in a building under construction
East Northamptonshire Enterprise Centre East Northamptonshire Enterprise Centre

Economic Strategies and Plans

East Northamptonshire Enterprise Centre
Northampton College Advanced Engineering Centre Northampton College Advanced Engineering Centre

Economic Strategies and Plans

Northampton College Advanced Engineering Centre
School students having a discussion with their teacher School students having a discussion with their teacher

Economic Strategies and Plans

School students having a discussion with their teacher
Northampton Waterside Campus Northampton Waterside Campus

Economic Strategies and Plans

Northampton Waterside Campus

Strategic Economic Plan

The South East Midlands’ Strategic Economic Plan, published in November 2017, sets out strategic investments and future actions needed to grow our economy to its full potential, for the future prosperity of our communities. 

Strategic Economic Plan Strategic Economic Plan Summary

The South East Midlands occupies a key strategic position at the nexus of Oxford, Cambridge, London and Birmingham. With rapid job and enterprise growth, a significant cluster of high-performance technology innovation assets and expertise, alongside the important role we play in housing growth, the South East Midlands is an exciting, innovative economy.

This plan sets out how we intend to ensure that the South East Midlands economy not only continues to thrive but contributes even more to the success of UK plc., as well as playing a pivotal role in the growth of, and aspirations for, the Oxford-Cambridge Arc. To realise this potential, we need to:

  • Ensure that strategic pieces of East-West transport infrastructure, and transport connections into them, are built
  • Have world-class broadband and wireless networks in place to respond to rapidly changing business needs and capabilities 
  • Put current and future employer needs at the heart of skills development 
  • Deliver sufficient homes to meet the housing needs of our ever-growing population 

We believe that pursuing these priorities will allow the South East Midlands to build on its reputation as a premier location for growth, innovation, creativity and world-leading technologies, which will result in a doubling of the area’s GVA by 2050.  


To create the right conditions for growth, the plan details seven priorities, set out across three core themes: growing business, growing people and growing places. 




  1. To use our strengths in High-Performance Technology, including Next Generation Transport, to deliver commercialisation of innovation, driving growth within the Oxford-Cambridge Arc
  2. To deliver increased levels of private sector investment, including Foreign Direct Investment into the area, and grow jobs by 10% by 2025.
  3. To deliver greater trading activity between companies in our area and elsewhere, with a special emphasis on emerging global markets, but also working to retain good European links.

Growing People

4. To deliver an integrated and employer-led approach to skills attainment to ensure that our population is aware of, and has the attributes and competencies required for, a modern, competitive economy. 

Growing Places 

5. To deliver sufficient new homes – with 130,000 planned in the decade to 2025/26 – to meet the needs of our growing population, with an emphasis on accelerating the completion of units with planning consent.

6. To deliver the infrastructure needed to achieve our full growth potential, including East-West Rail and the Expressway, and much-improved Broadband and wireless connections.


7. To ensure that this growth is undertaken in a manner that promotes social inclusion, equality and environmental sustainability.

Growing Business

  • Build on the area’s showcase sector’ strengths 
  • Promote the South East Midlands to prospective investors
  • Support local businesses through the uncertainty of the Brexit period by promoting the merits of exporting
  • Deploy Growth Hubs to identify gaps in businesses, innovation and trade support 
  • Strengthen links between businesses and government 
  • Support delivery of Local Growth Fund projects 

Growing People

  • Work through skills sector forums and employer engagement to determine required skills needs
  • Disseminate Labour Market Information
  • Support schools and college staff to embed employer-drive core skills and competencies into the curriculum 
  • Ensure signposting of provision and pathways for continued personal development
  • Strengthen social inclusion and labour market engagement  

Growing Places 

  • Strengthen cross-Arc governance, catalyse the further development of East-West links
  • Improve local connectivity 
  • Accelerate the completion of homes 
  • Develop an Energy Strategy
  • Improve digital and mobile infrastructure 
  • Improve transport infrastructure and unlock housing and employment land 


  • Promote social inclusion
  • Support rural businesses
  • Facilitate projects that promote energy and resources efficiency in business 

For further details on what SEMLEP will deliver, please view the summary document here. 


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