Felicia Rickards is an Organizational Development Strategist and Personal Development Coach. She has experience as a Non-Executive Director, in Chairman and Deputy Chairman roles for an SME Economic Development Corporation. Felicia has previous corporate background with roles at Vice President level in Client Relationship Management, Sales & Customer Service. One of her strategic projects was to design and implement a customer service division for a leading financial services firm.
Prior career roles include; Learning & Development Manager for a global hotel brand, Career Development Manager in the public sector as well as Professional and Career Development Coordinator for a college institution. A supporter of life-long learning, Felicia has achieved Master of Arts status in Human Resource Development and Business Management. In addition, she is a Certified Coach, Certified Financial Wellness Consultant, Certified Financial Education Instructor and William Bridges Change and Transition Management facilitator.
Felicia adapts her toolkit to fit her clients’ projects, creating solutions based on their needs. As an authorized global network affiliate for Linkage Inc (a global leader in the field of leadership and organizational development), she has an extensive leadership development assessment platform. Additionally, through her partnership as a Global Business Connector with Women Speakers Association, she helps women to amplify their voices on a global platform. With business projects in multiple jurisdictions, Felicia enjoys the art of facilitation across cultures.