The South East Midlands Local Enterprise Partnership has now
formally closed as a registered limited company.

To stay updated on the latest economic developments throughout the region, we encourage you to visit the South East Midlands Growth Hub. The SEM Growth Hub also provides free business advice and guidance to all businesses, manages funding and grant programmes and has an extensive resource library where businesses can find additional support.

Visit the South East Midlands Growth Hub here

You can still continue to browse the SEMLEP website, and contact
all employees using their existing email addresses.

A Starship Robot driving down a street A Starship Robot driving down a street

Meet Our Board

A Starship Robot driving down a street
East Northamptonshire Enterprise Centre East Northamptonshire Enterprise Centre

Meet Our Board

East Northamptonshire Enterprise Centre
People talking in a building under construction People talking in a building under construction

Meet Our Board

People talking in a building under construction
School students having a discussion with their teacher School students having a discussion with their teacher

Meet Our Board

School students having a discussion with their teacher
Northampton College Advanced Engineering Centre Northampton College Advanced Engineering Centre

Meet Our Board

Northampton College Advanced Engineering Centre
Northampton Waterside Campus Northampton Waterside Campus

Meet Our Board

Northampton Waterside Campus
Cllr David Brackenbury
Cllr David Brackenbury

Cllr David Brackenbury

Councillor, North Northamptonshire Council

David served on East Northamptonshire Council and was Chairman of the Planning Policy Committee for many years. He also was a former Chair and Member of the North Northamptonshire Joint Planning Committee, which was an exemplar of cross border strategic planning and cooperation.

Since then, David has been elected to the new North Northamptonshire Council where he is Executive Member for Growth and Regeneration and also is Chair of the Executive Advisory Panel for Planning Policy.

David is the Director of two Consultancies that operate within the Lloyd’s Insurance world, which focus on the global marine and logistics supply chain, as well as having involvement in Fine Arts, Jewellery and Specie consulting in this challenging environment.

David is passionate about combining the best of practice in both the private and public sectors and bringing out the best in both areas!

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